A thick steam atmosphere on Mars could have kept the surface molten for 100 million years(Source: Craig O'Neill)
Molten Mars kept life at bay

The surface of Mars was molten for more than 100 million years after it formed, preventing any early life evolving on the planet, say researchers.

Their findings, based on analysis of rare Martian meteorites at NASA's Johnson Space Center in the US, are published today in Nature Geoscience.

Co-author Dr Craig O'Neill, of Macquarie University's Department of Earth and Planetary Science, says the study overturns previous thought that the surface of Mars cooled within a few thousand years.

Instead they found the planet remained a molten ball due to a "hyper-heated steamy atmosphere" that kept the surface temperature above more than 1000°C for more than 100 million years.

O'Neill says this effectively sterilised the planet making it unlikely that any life form could evolve.

"It's difficult to see how any life could have evolved when 130°C is the absolute maximum temperature extremophile bacteria on earth can withstand," he says.

Ancient meteorite analysed

The findings are based on analysis of radioactive isotopes of rare elements in an ancient meteorite, known as nakhlite, after the place in Egypt where it was found.

O'Neill says the meteorites, which landed on Earth in the early 1900s, are known to have come from Mars because bubbles of gas trapped inside matched atmospheric samples taken during the Viking Mars mission in the late 1970s.

He says their study involved examining radioactive isotopes in the elements Hafnium, Lutetium and Neodymium.

The isotopes act like a geochronological clock, O'Neill says, helping date when the magma ocean solidified.

Hafnium-182, in particular, is incredibly effective as a dating tool for when the core formed because it is an extremely short-lived isotope (geologically speaking) that decays into the metal Tungsten-182.

During planet formation, "Hafnium gets incorporated in the rocky minerals, while Tungsten gets sucked into the core with the other metals", says O'Neill.

"Once core formation finished, any more Tungsten-182 formed would be stuck in the rocks."

He says by measuring the amount of Tungsten-182 left in the rock, the team was able to date when core formation completed.

O'Neill says when the magma ocean solidified it would have overturned in a "lava lamp-like fashion".

This would have led to a violent volcanic event that may have formed the Martian crust, O'Neill says.

He says although evidence of water has been found on Mars, the study suggests life could only have begun evolving once the steamy atmosphere had dissipated.

O'Neill believes the study may help inform interpretations about Earth's early evolution.

It could suggest that Earth had a similar heavy steam atmosphere that was altered into a more "life-friendly" condition by the impact of the planet-sized meteor that struck earth to form the Moon.

Critical to the study, says O'Neill, was using some of the most accurate dating instruments yet on radioactive isotope systems.

"Our measurements are up to 20 times more accurate than previous studies, so we've been really able to nail the timescale."

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