The aurora borealis, in the Northern Hemisphere, isn't always a mirror image of the aurora australis, say researchers(Source: iStockphoto)
Aurorae 'not always' mirror images

Scientists have challenged the assumption that the southern and northern lights are always mirror images of each other.

Dr Karl Laundal and Dr Nikolai Østgaard, of the University of Bergen in Norway report their findings in today's issue of the journal Nature.

The aurora borealis in the Northern Hemisphere and aurora australis in the Southern Hemisphere can be asymmetrical, say Laundal and Østgaard.

Laundal and Østgaard argue the asymmetrical aurorae are evidence of an atmospheric phenomenon that until now had not been observed.

The aurorae are natural lights, seen mostly at night close to the polar regions of the Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

They are formed by charged particles from the solar wind crashing into gas molecules in the Earth's atmosphere and giving off light.

These particles initially penetrate the magnetosphere, a highly magnetised region around the Earth, then travel along magnetic field lines and enter the inner atmosphere at the poles.

Laundal and Østgaard say the aurorae are commonly assumed to be mirror images of each other because the charged particles follow the Earth's magnetic field lines, which are symmetric.

But they have now used high-powered satellite imaging to detect aurorae that are asymmetrical, and which can't be explained by magnetic field lines alone.

Laundal and Østgaard believe these asymmetrical aurorae are created through the influence of inter-hemisphere currents, which have been predicted before, but not yet seen.

Inter-hemisphere currents are flows of electrons generated in the ionosphere, a region of the upper atmosphere, and they flow in different directions in the northern and southern hemispheres.

Australian space physicist Dr Roman Makarevich, of Latrobe University in Melbourne, describes the research as interesting.

He agrees inter-hemisphere currents exist but more work needs to be done from Earth to confirm their existence.

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