The presence of a proto-planetary disc might slow down the star's rotation resulting in a drop in its lithium content (Source: ESO/L Calcada )
Lithium provides clue to planet presence

Scientists in Spain believe they've found a link between the amount of lithium in Sun-like stars, and whether they have planets orbiting them.

Reporting in the science journal Nature, the team led by Dr Garik Israelian of the Instituto de Astrofisica in the Canary Islands have concluded that Sun-like stars with planets have significantly less lithium in their spectra than similar stars without planets.

The researchers believe it may also help solve a longstanding puzzle about the Sun's lithium levels, which has 140 times less lithium than the primordial value - the amount produced in the big bang.

Why the Sun has so little lithium is a question astronomers have been unable to answer.

The Sun's surface isn't hot enough to burn lithium. And its convective zone does not extend deep enough into the interior to reach the sort of temperatures and pressures needed for lithium to fuse.

Planetary link

Israelian and colleagues looked at a sample of stars similar in age, mass and chemical make up to the Sun.

They found those with planets, all have less than 1% of the primordial lithium abundance.

Those without detected planets range more widely, with half having about 10% of the primordial lithium abundance.

Israelian and colleagues believe the key to the difference could be the interaction between the star and its orbiting planets early in the system's evolution.

They propose that early in a star's life, the presence of planets or at least a proto-planetary disc, might slow down the star's rotation.

A slower rotational speed increases the depth of the star's convective layer, thus changing the amount of surface material mixing down into the interior.

This would result in more lithium being transported deep into the stars where it could be fused, increasing lithium depletion in its early stages.


But Dr Charles Lineweaver of the Australian National University's Mt Stromlo Observatory remains sceptical.

Lineweaver says the researchers only looked at a narrow band of stellar surface temperatures.

He also believes that astronomers don't fully understand enough about how a star's convective layer thickness is influenced by the star's age or its rotational speed.

Lineweaver is also concerned that many of the stars listed in the study as having no detected planets, could actually have planets that simply haven't been detected yet.

Still, if the work of Israelian and colleagues is correct, it may provide an additional method of searching for extra-solar planets and possibly extraterrestrial life.

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