The technology will make it easier to view the infrared universe from earth-based observatories (Source: NASA/JPL-Caltech/University of Arizona)
Fibre optics improve infrared astronomy

Australian astronomers have developed a small-scale fibre-optic instrument that could revolutionise the way astronomers use telescopes to observe the night sky.

The device, about the size of a microwave oven, blankets out the brightness of the sky in the infrared light range, important for viewing stars hidden by gas and dust in space and looking into the distant universe.

The announcement was made last night to mark a new collaboration in astrophotonics between the University of Sydney, the Anglo Australian Observatory and the University of Potsdam in Germany, and other institutions.

Although dark in terms of visible light, the night sky is still bright in the infrared due to the release of energy from hydroxyl molecules in the atmosphere, collected and stored during the day.

Astronomers led, by Professor Joss Bland-Hawthorn of the University of Sydney, developed the 'photon integrating multi-mode spectrograph', which uses layers of fibre optics material arranged in a cube to channel individual photons into optical cables.

Bland-Hawthorn says using the spectrograph to observe the infrared universe would be like "looking at a car after you have blanked out the headlights".

"We can remove the bright lines from the hydroxyl [molecules]."

"We are now suppressing the entire night sky with a level of 80% efficiency and this will completely revolutionise the way that astronomy is done."

The resulting darkness will enable astronomers to look at light from the first stars and galaxies, he says.

"We've never been able to do this from Earth."

Better than space

Australian astronomer Dr Christopher Thom from the Space Telescope Sciences Institute in the US says advances in astrophotonics will "dramatically reduce the size of instruments for the next generation of telescopes".

"The bigger the instruments are the more they cost, so [reducing the size] also reduces cost."

Bland-Hawthorn says the spectrograph has been the result of 20 years work.

The first generation devices have been produced by Sydney-based Redfern Optical Components and will be "produced in their hundreds" by March next year, says Bland-Hawthorn.

The spectrographs will initially be used in the 3.9-metre Anglo-Australian Telescope at Coonabarabran, in northwestern NSW. They are slated for use in the twin Gemini telescopes in Hawaii and Chile, as well as future 'next generation' telescopes.

"Once up and running [telescopes equipped with the spectrograph] will exceed the power of the James Webb telescope," Bland-Hawthorn says.

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