An image made with the Parkes radio telescope of some of the 'halo clouds' above the main body of our galaxy (Source: A Ford (U. Michigan) and N. McClure-Griffiths (CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science))
Milky Way's halo clouds exposed

Astronomers have for the first time mapped the massive gas clouds that form within the cosmic halo around our Milky Way.

The research is helping scientists better understand how the galaxy is structured and some of its key formative processes.

Astronomers used the CSIRO's 64-metre Parkes radio telescope in the central west of New South Wales to make detailed observations of 'halo' gas clouds.

Dr Naomi McClure-Griffiths from CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science says "the main starry disk of our Galaxy is surrounded by a thinner halo of stars, gas and dark matter".

The halo clouds appear to skim the surface of the galaxy, sitting 400 to 10,000 light-years outside the galactic disk, but until now little was known about how they formed or why they are there.

McClure-Griffiths says the clouds are made up of hydrogen, pushed out of the galactic disc by bubbles of heavier elements, manufactured by stars and powered by stellar winds and supernovae.

"Bursting clear of the galactic disk the hydrogen gas forms cloud like plumes dotting the halo.

Stellar formation

The clue to the origin of the hydrogen gas was the discovery that there were more clouds forming near areas of star formation.

Scientists studied about 650 clouds and found striking differences between them in different areas of the galaxy.

"Regions with lots of thick clouds also happen to be where lots of stars form.And areas with fewer clouds also form fewer stars," McClure-Griffiths says.

"And they're big. An average-sized cloud contains hydrogen gas 700 times the mass of the Sun and is about 200 light-years across."

Interestingly, the halo clouds aren't found exactly where stars are currently forming. Instead, they seem to be linked to earlier star formation activity.

That's because massive stars have short lives of just a few million years, but the bubbles that propel the clouds can take 20 or 30 million years to form.

A deeper understanding

Studying the clouds helps scientists understand the role they play in recycling material between the galactic disk and halo.

"The mass of the galaxy most likely provides the gravity to make the clouds fall back down into the main body of the Galaxy, returning gas to it," says McClure-Griffiths.

The halo clouds are distinct from a larger population of 'high-velocity clouds' that also sail outside the galaxy.

The halo clouds move in tandem with the rotating galaxy, while the high-velocity clouds scud along much faster.

McClure-Griffiths says some of these high velocity clouds may be energetic forms of halo clouds.

Others may be primordial material left over from the formation of the galaxy or material stripped off from other nearby galaxies.

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