For the first time, astronomers have been able to directly follow the motion of an exoplanet as it moves to the other side of its host star (Source: L Calcada/)
Astronomers catch exoplanet on the move

Astronomers observing a planet orbiting a nearby star for the first, say it must have formed very quickly.

A report, published today in the journal Science, claims it's the first time researchers have been able to follow an exoplanet in orbit around its parent star.

Astronomers used the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile to track the planet as it circled Beta Pictoris, a young white star almost twice the size of the Sun located 64 light years from Earth.

Because the star is only 12 million years old, the discovery means the planet named Beta Pictoris B, must be even younger.

The planet is about nine times the size of Jupiter the largest planet in our solar system, and orbits its parent star in a dusty proto-planetary disk at roughly the distance Saturn orbits the Sun

"Because the star is so young, our results prove that giant planets can form in discs in time-spans as short as a few million years," says Anne-Marie Lagrange of the Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Grenoble, France, who led the study.

Full circle

Scientists hope to record the full orbit of Beta Pictoris B around its parent star. The journey should take between 15 and 20 years.

Further studies could also provide invaluable insights into the physics and chemistry of the giant planet's atmosphere.

Recent observations have shown that discs around young stars disperse within a few million years, meaning planetary formation must occur faster than previously thought.

"Beta Pictoris is now clear proof that this is indeed possible," Lagrange says.

Planetary birth

Dr Simon O'Toole a planetary scientist with the Anglo Australian Observatory, says the discovery of a planet around such a young star is especially significant.

"It puts an upper limit on the amount of time it takes for a planet to form," he says.

"There are two kinds of ways to build planets. The fast way called the hot start, in which a lot of gas compresses into a sphere quickly, and the cool start in which dust and gas clump together over longer time scales."

"The cool start now appears to be inconsistent with the new observations."

He says the findings are also in line with the work being done by astrophysicist Dr Sarah Maddison from Melbourne's Swinburne Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing.

Her computer simulations show that planet's disturb the dust and gas discs they form in, creating specific patterns in the process.

O'Toole says these observations seem to support that finding.

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