Far, far, away: astronomers determined that the gamma-ray burst occurred 12.2 billion light years away (Source: NASA/Swift/Stefan Immler)
Telescope spots biggest gamma-ray blast

NASA's Fermi telescope has detected a massive explosion in space, which scientists say is the biggest gamma-ray burst ever detected.

The spectacular blast, which occurred in September in the Carina constellation, produced energies ranging from 3000 to more than five billion times that of visible light, say astrophysicists.

"Visible light has an energy range of between two and three electron volts and these were in the millions to billions of electron volts," says NASA astrophysicist Frank Reddy.

"If you think about it in terms of energy, x-rays are more energetic because they penetrate matter. These things don't stop for anything - they just bore through and that's why we can see them from enormous distances," he says.

A team led by Dr Jochen Greiner of Germany's Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics determined that the huge gamma-ray burst occurred 12.2 billion light years away.

Big bang

Taking into account the huge distance from earth of the burst, scientists determined that it was stronger than 9000 supernovae - powerful explosions that occur at the end of a star's lifetime - and that the gas jets emitting the initial gamma rays moved at nearly the speed of light.

"This burst's tremendous power and speed make it the most extreme recorded to date," says a US Department of Energy in a statement.

Gamma-ray bursts are the universe's most luminous explosions, which astronomers believe occur when massive stars run out of fuel and collapse.

Long bursts, which last more than two seconds, occur in massive stars that are undergoing collapse, while short bursts lasting less than two seconds occur in smaller stars.

In short gamma-ray bursts, stars simply explode and form supernovae. But in long bursts, the enormous bulk of the star leads its core to collapse and form a blackhole, into which the rest of the star falls.

As the star's core collapses into the black hole, jets of material blast outward, boring through the collapsing star and continuing into space.

These jets interact with gas previously shed by the star, generating bright afterglows that fade with time.

"It's thought that something involved in spinning up and collapsing into that blackhole in the center is what drives these jets. No one really has figured that out. The jets rip through the star and the supernova follows after the jets," says Reddy.

Studying gamma-ray bursts allows scientists to "sample an individual star at a distance where we can't even see galaxies clearly," he says.

Mysterious delay

Observing the massive explosions could also lift the veil on more of space's enigmas, including those raised by the burst spotted by Fermi, such as a "curious time delay" between its highest and lowest energy emissions.

Such a time lag has been seen in only one earlier burst, and "may mean that the highest-energy emissions are coming from different parts of the jet or created through a different mechanism," says Stanford University physicist Professor Peter Michelson, the chief investigator on Fermi's large area telescope.

"Burst emissions at these energies are still poorly understood, and Fermi is giving us the tools to understand them," says Michelson.

"In a few years, we'll have a fairly good sample of bursts and may have some answers."

The Fermi telescope and NASA's Swift satellite detect "in the order of 1000 gamma-ray bursts a year," says Reddy.

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