A new cosmology: Will it change our understanding of the universe? (Source: HUDF Working Group (STScI), HST, ESA, NASA)
Theory suggests universe without Big Bang

A new theory has been put forward to explain the accelerating expansion of the universe, without the need for dark energy.

The new cosmology developed by Wun-Yi Shu of the National Tsing Hua University in Taiwan also paints a picture of a universe with no beginning and no end.

His paper, which appears on the pre-press website ArXiv.org, describes a universe where time and space are not independent, but can be converted back and forth between each other. It also proposes that the speed of light is simply a conversion factor between the two.

Shu also describes both mass and length as interchangeable with the conversion factor being dependant on the speed of light and the gravitational constant, neither of which actually need to be constant.

Shu's universe has no singularities so there can be no beginning or end, just alternating periods of expansion and contraction.


Shu's cosmology predicts that during periods of expansion, an observer in this universe would see an odd kind of change in the red-shift of bright objects such as Type-1A supernovae, as they accelerate away.

And according to Shu, this exactly matches real observations by astronomers.

This kind of acceleration is an ordinary feature of Shu's universe, but is in stark contrast to the various models of the universe based on the Big Bang theory.

Since discovering that the universe is undergoing accelerated expansion, cosmologists have found it hard to explain their observations using modifications to the laws of physics such as the force of dark energy.

For this model to work, dark energy must make up 75% of the total energy-mass of the Universe.

But Shu says there is a serious price to pay for this idea: The law of conservation of energy. In other words the total amount of energy in an isolated system remains constant over time meaning it can't be created nor destroyed, only changed from one state to another.

Shu believes there's no need to abandon conservation of energy to make his theory work.

Dark energy survey

But Professor Michael Drinkwater from the University of Queensland and member of the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey team has some concerns.

WiggleZ is a survey of 240,000 emission-line galaxies by the Australian Astronomical Observatory, mapping the large scale structure of the universe to try and better define dark energy.

He says he's uncomfortable with the idea of the speed of light not being constant.

"The speed of light being a constant in relativity theory is an assumption, but it's a very useful assumption and it's never failed the test so far," says Drinkwater.

"Then there's the cosmic microwave background, the left over energy from the big bang of creation. Shu's cosmology can't yet explain this."

"Nor can it explain the ratios of hydrogen, helium and lithium in the distant universe, which exactly match what's expected in a big bang universe."

Drinkwater says apart from the speed of light being constant, the other big assumption of relativity theory is that the universe is smooth in density.

"There is no evidence that the speed of light changes, but we do know that the density of the universe varies."

"If it's full of clumps and voids on the very biggest scales and we were in the middle of a less dense region, then that would have the effect of making it look like the region around us is accelerating" he says.

"But you would need a very large bubble with a very low density to reproduce the amount of acceleration that we see."

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