New research suggests that astronomers using the James Webb Space Telescope may detect volcanic activity on a distant exoplanets (Source: Wade Henning)
New telescope may unveil alien volcanoes

Scientists will soon be able to study volcanoes on worlds beyond our solar system, according to a new study.

Reporting in the Astrophysical Journal, Dr Lisa Kaltenegger an astronomer with the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, and colleages, believe the future James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will allow scientists to detect eruptions on rocky planets orbiting nearby stars.

They say the JWST, due to be launched in 2014, should be able to detect faint signs of volcanism on a rocky planet less than 30 light-years away.

"Using the James Webb Space Telescope, we could spot an eruption 10 to 100 times the size of Pinatubo for the closest stars," says Kaltenegger.

The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines spewed 17 million tonnes of sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere, and was one of the largest volcanic eruptions in recent times.

Volcanic models

In their study Kaltenegger's team developed models to explain how eruptions on exoplanets leave a telltale atmospheric signature.

They found sulphur dioxide from very large, explosive eruptions is potentially measurable because of the volume of material produced and the time it takes to "wash out of the atmosphere".

To look for volcanic sulphur dioxide, astronomers would rely on a technique known as secondary eclipse, which requires the exoplanet to cross behind its parent star as seen from Earth.

By collecting light from the star and planet, then subtracting the starlight (while the planet is hidden), astronomers are left with the signal from the planet alone.

They can search that signal using spectroscopy for signs of particular chemical molecules.

"Our first sniffs of volcanoes from an alien Earth might be pretty rank," says Kalteneger. "Seeing a volcanic eruption on an exoplanet will show us similarities or difference among rocky worlds."

Comparitive lessons

Planetary scientist Dr Simon O'Toole from the Australian Astronomical Observatory says exoplanetary volcanism would give new insights into the physics and geology of planets.

"But the solar system itself is a target-rich environment. Places like Io and Venus shows us volcanism in action on other worlds," says O'Toole.

"And let's not forget cryovolcanism of the type we see on Saturn's moons Titan and Enceladus, or the Neptunian ice moon Triton."

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