Scientists can now determine the stage of life a star has reached by studying tiny changes in its light(Source: Daniel Huber/University of Sydney)
Shaking giants reveal inner secrets

Stellar vibrations Astronomers are peering into the inner workings of giant red stars, providing a better understanding of their age and composition, simply by looking at changes in their light.

The technique will also help astronomers better understand the fate of our Sun as it nears the end of its life, five billion years from now.

Researchers led by astrophysicist Tim Bedding from the University of Sydney, studied hundreds of red giants using NASA's Kepler space telescope, which is monitoring 156,000 stars in the constellations of Cygnus and Lyrae.

Bedding says red giants are bloated stars near the end of their lives.

"Having exhausted the hydrogen which powers the nuclear fusion process in their cores, they instead begin fusing hydrogen further out in their surrounding shell. Finally just before the end, they begin fusing helium in their cores."

Writing in the journal Nature, Bedding says Kepler's advanced optics allowed his team to see tiny changes in the brightness of these stars over long periods of time, even though they're light years away.

Seeing inside a giant

According to Bedding, red giants all look the same from the outside.

"That's where astroseismology come in. Just like using earthquake vibrations to probe the Earth's internal structure, we use oscillations in the brightness of light emitted by stars to learn about their structure," he says.

"We had some idea from theoretical models that these subtle oscillation patterns would be there, but this confirms our models"

Bedding says the outer part of a star has convection currents that are driven by hot plasma rising to the surface and cooler plasma falling in towards the core".

These currents convection generate pressure waves, causing the star to vibrate. The frequency of these oscillations and their timing depends on what's happening inside the star.

Using a mathematical technique called Fourier analysis, Bedding's team searched for distinctive patterns in these oscillations.

"This tells us if it's just fusing hydrogen on the surface or if it's also started fusing helium at its core", says Bedding.

"It also tells us if the core is going to ignite suddenly in a helium flash, which is what we expect the Sun to eventually do. Or if it's going to fuse slowly over time, which more massive red giants are likely to do."

Bedding hopes to eventually measure the mass threshold of that change.

"This will tell us a lot about the convection and fusion going on inside these stars", says Bedding.

"So what we're doing is using these stars as laboratories to test the laws of physics in extreme ways that you could never do on Earth."

"It allows us to tell red giants apart, and compare stars at different stages of evolution in a way that we couldn't before."

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