Massive stars similar to the Pistol star filled the early universe producing the elements which later became modern stars like the Sun(Source: D. F. Figer (UCLA) et al., NICMOS, HST, NASA, )
Early stars had a fast spin cycle

In a spin The first stars to shine after the big bang were both massive and rotated at very high speed, according to a new study.

The work by scientists including Dr Cristina Chiappini from the Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam, Germany provides a glimpse of a strange universe very different to the one we see around us today.

Astronomers believe the first stars were massive, at least eight times bigger than the Sun. But because big stars live fast and die young, there are no first generation stars left in the nearby universe to study.

These first stars were made of hydrogen and helium, the original elements to condense out of the plasma produced by the big bang 13.7 billion years ago. All the heavier elements found in later stars were formed by the first stars and eventually recycled.

Reporting in the journal Nature, Chiappini and colleagues used the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope in Chile to study the chemical composition of some of the oldest stars in our galaxy to work out what the first stars were like.

They examined the ratio of chemical elements in the stars of an ancient globular cluster called NGC-6522.

This tightly packed ball of stars was selected because its stars are old enough to have formed out of the original chemicals produced by the first generation of stars to exist.

Chiappini's team say the ratios suggest the first stars were both massive and rotated at very high speeds to achieve the degree of mixing needed to produce the heavier elements found in NGC-6522's stars.

Their calculations indicate these first generation fast-rotating massive stars, which they've named 'spinstars', were rotating at speeds of 500 kilometres per second - 250 times faster than our Sun.

Chemical mixing

Professor Mike Bessell from the Australian National University's Mount Stromlo Observatory says the paper explains how important the spin or rotation of these the first stars was needed to produce the elements found in later generations of stars.

He says while convection inside a star causes much of the mixing, fast rotation helps push the newly formed elements to the surface.

"Fast rotation helps produce the element neon-22 from carbon in the centres of stars which acts as a seed enabling the production of higher elements in these stars, which would normally only occur in low mass stars," says Bessell.

Bessell says it suggests heavier elements were formed very early on in the universe, providing the seeds for other things to happen later.

"It's given us another option of producing particular elements such as nitrogen and a whole lot of additional heavier elements such as lead and zinc; all those things which we thought won't produced until much later on."

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