Titan may have achieved its main constituent, nitrogen by the dissociation of ammonia-rich water ice during the Late Heavy Bombardment(Source: NASA/JPL )
Ancient impacts gave Titan its nitrogen

Cosmic chemistry A massive bombardment of meteors, asteroids and comets during the early history of the solar system may have given the Saturnian moon Titan its nitrogen rich atmosphere.

A study in the journal Nature Geoscience by researchers including Dr Yasuhito Sekine from the University of Tokyo, could explain the unusual formation of the thick atmosphere on a frozen world.

Titan's thick atmosphere is largely composed of nitrogen, methane and ethane, forming an organic smog with an average temperature of -179°C. It has an atmosphere thought to resemble that of the early primordial Earth, but its origins remain a mystery.

Sekine and colleagues examined the possible effects of a huge cascade of rocks, ice and other debris in the early solar system 3.9 billion years ago known as the late heavy bombardment.

Amomonia break down

The researchers fired a laser gun at a sample of frozen ammonia and water ice to simulate the high velocity impacts of comets and other icy bodies slamming into Titan.

They found the impacts converted the ammonia ice on the surface into nitrogen.

Sekine and colleagues believe enough nitrogen was generated by this method to explain Titan's current atmosphere.

But they also found the ratio of nitrogen isotopes on Titan different to that of the Earth - the only other body in the solar system with a thick nitrogen atmosphere.

Sekine and fellow researchers say if the late heavy bombardment is responsible for Titan's nitrogen atmosphere, it must have been derived differently to nitrogen on Earth.

Dr Trevor Ireland, an astronomer with the Australian National University says the mechanism they're proposing looks as though it's quite applicable.

"We see ammonia all over the outer satellites, so the idea of bombardment to break that up into nitrogen looks good."

Fascinating world

But Ireland is less confident about the late heavy bombardment being the trigger.

"We see the effects of the Late Heavy Bombardment on the Moon. But the question is whether it affected the outer solar system as well, or whether it's just an inner solar system phenomenon."

"They're tying two issues together, which I'm not sure they should be doing."

According to Ireland, Titan has caught the imagination of people because it has such a dynamic environment.

"It's an amazing place with the potential for an underground ocean, and a thick atmosphere over the top. I suspect those two aren't coincidental, there's probably some sort of link going on allowing the fluid volatiles to feed the atmosphere as well", says Ireland.

"What we think of when we look at Titan is what Earth might have looked like four billion years ago."

"These similarities are remarkable. These are the only two worlds like this in the solar system", says Ireland.

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