The samples suggest asteroids could be capable of 'cooking' up amino acids, a key ingredient of life (Source: NASA)
Asteroids cook up ingredients of life

Life factories A set of pristine meteorites has provided fresh support for the notion that the chemical ingredients of life came from outer space.

Rather than Earth, the research by scientists led by Dr Christopher Herd from Canada's University of Alberta, point to the interstellar medium and the Sun's protoplanetary disc, which formed the solar system 4.6 billion years ago, as the source.

Reporting in the journal Science, Herd and colleagues examined four specimens from the Tagish Lake meteorite which exploded over the frozen north Canadian lake in January 2000.

The samples are considered pristine because they fell on a frozen lake, collected within a few days, and have remained frozen ever since.

Known as carbonaceous chondrites, these meteorites are organic-rich examples of the materials that eventually formed into the planets.

The complex suite of organic materials found in carbonaceous chondrites can vary substantially from meteorite to meteorite.

But they share many characteristics with organic matter found in other primitive samples, including interplanetary dust particles, specimens of the comet Wild-2, and Antarctic micrometeorites.

The Tagish Lake meteorites gave Herd and colleagues the first opportunity to examine the chemical makeup of four uncontaminated specimens. They found the meteorites contained an assortment of organic matter including amino acids, but the amounts in each were slightly different.

"We see that some pieces have 10 to 100 times the amount of specific amino acids than other pieces," said Dr Daniel Glavin of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, a co-author on the paper. ""We've never seen this kind of variability from a single parent asteroid before."

They found that various fragments had been exposed to different amounts of water, and suggest this may account for differing amounts of amino acids present in the meteorites.

"Our results provide perhaps the first clear evidence that water percolating through the asteroid parent body caused some molecules to be formed and others destroyed. The Tagish Lake meteorite provides a unique window into what was happening to organic molecules on asteroids four-and-a-half billion years ago, and the pre-biotic chemistry involved," says Herd.

Helping solve the riddle

Astrobiologist Dr Jonty Horner from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, says the work provides the missing piece in the puzzle.

"These organic molecules are important precursors, the building blocks of life. But up until now, no one's known how you get from small molecules to the long chain molecules needed for life," says Horner.

"Most of the debate has centred around the idea that this happened on Earth once the oceans had formed. But the problem is, there may not have been enough time for that to take place."

"This new discovery gives you the option of having asteroids big enough to have subsurface liquid water to cook up some of the more complicated molecules."

Horner says it also means these same organic compounds could have seeded other planets and moons, both in our solar system and beyond.

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