The researchers calculate that 1.2 per cent of stars in our galaxy could have planets with complex life (Source: Lynette Cook)
Complex life better than 1-in-100 chance

Decent odds More than one in every hundred stars may have planets capable of supporting complex life, according to a new model.

The research, led by Michael Gowanlock from the University of Hawaii and accepted for publication in the journal Astrobiology provides a detailed examination of the parameters needed for complex life and increases the area that it could exist in our galaxy.

In their paper, which appears on the pre-press website, Gowanlock and colleagues say traditionally scientists have focused on exoplanets orbiting stars in the Galactic Habitable Zone (GHZ).

This doughnut-shaped zone is estimated to be 6000 light-years thick and 25,000 light-years from the galactic centre.

According to the researchers the GHZ contains metallic stars - those containing a high proportion of elements heavier than hydrogen and helium. These stars are similar to our Sun and most likely to have terrestrial planets.

More potential targets

But Gowanlock and colleagues believe the GHZ is more complex than that.

They examined a number of factors including the impact of planets being tidally locked to stars and damage caused by exploding supernovae sterilising regions of the galaxy. They also included the time it takes complex life to evolve, based on the one known sample; Earth.

Their model indicates up to 1.2 per cent of stars in our galaxy could have planets with complex life. Significantly it suggests up to 2.7 per cent of stars in the inner galaxy would fall into this category.

"Habitable planets are so common towards the centre of the galaxy, even if many are destroyed by supernovae, there should still be enough surviving long enough for complex life to evolve," write the researchers.

But their model also predict 75 per cent of planets orbiting these stars would be tidally locked with the same side always facing their host.

"The issue's been prompted by the discovery of a super-Earth around Gliese 581, which is close enough to be in the habitable zone, but is also probably tidally locked," Gowanlock and colleagues write. "One side of this planet would burn under a scorching sun while the other would freeze."

They conclude these planets may be uninhabitable.

Pointing in the right direction

Professor Malcolm Walter from the Australian Centre for Astrobiology at the University of New South Wales in Sydney says the study helps point scientists in the right direction.

"Now we can take a scientific approach as to where Earth-like planets might be," says Walter.

"We're in a good position in the Southern Hemisphere to be looking towards the most prospective part of the galaxy, the galactic centre. Some have been looking in that direction for a while, now that can be sharpened."

"It adds a more precise analysis of where the galactic habitable zone might be, and that's got to be helpful".

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