New study claims the distant frozen world of Pluto could have a ring system (Source: M. Buie /NASA, ESA, Southwest Research Institute, Photo No. STScI-PR10-06a)
Dust particles may run rings around Pluto

Ringed dwarf Pluto may have lost its former status as a planet, but a new study shows the tiny frozen world at the edge of the solar system may have gained a ring.

Rings have become a key feature of the planets of the outer solar system. As well as the spectacular ringed world of Saturn, faint rings have more recently been discovered around Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.

But beyond Neptune, objects such as Pluto and the Kuiper Belt - a repository of comets, icy rocks and debris - remain a mystery.

Scientists have speculated about the possibility of a ring around Pluto.

In an attempt to provide answers, astronomers pointed NASA's Hubble Space Telescope at Pluto searching for signs of a ring. None was detected, but it did discover a fourth tiny moon.

Now scientists from the UNESP-São Paulo State University in Brazil have conducted their own study to determine if a ring system could form around the dwarf planet.

Dusty impacts

In a paper submitted to the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics and appering on the prepress website Pryscilla Maria Pires dos Santos and colleagues simulated what would happen to ejecta thrown up by micrometeoroids on the surface of Pluto's tiny moons Nix and Hydra.

They examined how the Sun's radiation pressure would impact on these dust grains. They also looked at the gravitational effects of Nix and Hydra, as well as Pluto and its largest moon Charon.

They found continuous micrometeoroid impacts on Nix and Hydra produce enough dust particles to form a tenuous ring 16,000 kilometres wide around both Pluto and Charon, and also encompassing the orbits of the small moons.

They found while about half the dust generated by these impacts is either blown away by radiation pressure from the Sun, or settles on the surface of Pluto and Charon, enough remains in orbit to form a faint ring.

Dr Craig O'Neill, a planetary scientist from Sydney'sMacquarie University, says dos Santos and colleagues have done a nice job of quantifying the effects of gravity and radiation pressure around Pluto.

"Understanding the effect of the Sun helps us understand how stable a dust ring (around Pluto) would be", says O'Neill.

The recent discovery of a tiny moon around Pluto, "provides an additional source of dust for a ring."

O'Neill says when NASA's New Horizons spacecraft reaches Pluto in July 2015, its dust counter should detect a ring, if it exists.

"Being five billion kilometres away, Hubble just doesn't have the resolving capability to see it," he says.

"New Horizons will really open up the Kuiper Belt, this region of the solar system we know very little about."

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