The samples collected by the Japanese Hayabusa spacecraft has shown scientists the link between meteorites and asteroids (Source: J Gary/ISAS)
Asteroid dust reveals meteorite origins

Dusty secrets Data from the first ever sample return mission to an asteroid is providing astronomers with a better understanding of the evolution of our solar system.

An international team of scientists examined asteroid samples collected by Japan's Hayabusa mission to Itokawa, a 300-metre wide near-Earth asteroid.

Asteroids are the oldest rocks in the solar system, containing a geologic and chemical snapshot of the system's formation and evolution.

Launched in 2003, Hayabusa rendezvoused with Itokawa in 2005, collecting approximately 1500 microscopic grains of asteroid. Its sample return capsule parachuted back to Earth in June 2010, landing in the Woomera Rocket Range in outback South Australia.

The results of the Itokawa sample study, reported in the journal Science confirms ordinary chondrites, the most common types of meteorites found on Earth are pieces of stony asteroids known as S-types.

Surprisingly young

Dr Trevor Ireland from the Australian National University was part of the team that examined the asteroid samples. He says the findings provide an important link between meteorites and the asteroids they come from.

"With meteorites on Earth we lose the surface of the sample as it comes in through the atmosphere and burns off", says Ireland.

"Itokawa is our first chance to see pristine asteroid surface material."

Ireland says he was surprised to see how young Itokawa is.

"We can tell its age from the amount of galactic cosmic rays it's exposed to and the level of radiation it receives from the Sun."

According to Ireland, Itokawa is made up of reassembled pieces from the interior of a larger asteroid.

"It's a rubble pile with only one type of rock in it. Itokawa is just a dust bunny of material that's been smashed off the original parent body and then re-amalgamated," says Ireland.

"Like most meteorites, we find Itokawa has seen lots of heat and pressure possibly from the formation of the original parent body four and a half billion years ago. When Itokawa was smashed off it retained those properties."

The Itokawa samples also show scientists the differences between space weathering on asteroids and on the Moon.

"It's one of the key issues we haven't really understood all that well," he says.

The relatively large mass of the Moon allows it to retain surface material which is then altered by solar wind and space weathering over billions of years.

But according to Ireland, tiny Itokawa is constantly losing surface material into space at a rate of tens of centimetres per year.

"Itokawa's surface is less than 8 million years old."

Ireland says one of the most important findings from the study was the variety of time scales in the samples.

"We're seeing materials from the very earliest stages of the solar system through to events which must have smashed this asteroid to pieces just 10 million years ago", says Ireland.

"And so it really brings home that the solar system is a dynamic place and we need to keep our eyes open for eventualities."

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