Despite the presence of carbon dioxide and water, astronomer say the planet orbits too close to its star for it to host life as we know it (Source: NASA)
Hubble spots CO2 on extrasolar planet

Carbon dioxide has been found in the atmosphere of a planet orbiting a distant star, a finding that could help astronomers pinpoint the location of extraterrestrial life.

But the finding, made by astronomers using an infrared sensor on the Hubble Space Telescope, doesn't do anything to improve the odds of finding life on the Jupiter-sized planet HD 189733, located 65 light-years from earth.

HD 189733, which also contains methane, carbon monoxide and water in its atmosphere, orbits too close to its star to have temperatures that would be conducive for life as we know it.

But scientists are hailing the discovery as further proof that earth-orbiting spacecraft can pry out secrets of planets beyond our solar system.

"It's a one-part-in-a-thousand kind of measurement," says Dr Carl Grillmair, associate research scientist at California Institute of Technology's Spitzer Science Center.

"HD 189733 is an interesting, exotic test bed for what we want to do with habitable planets down the road," he says. "If you did this same kind of experiment looking at earth from 65 light-years, it would be 25,000 times dimmer, so it's a much, much harder problem."

Dr Mark Swain, a researcher with NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and colleagues were seeking additional measurements of the previously discovered methane in HD 189733's atmosphere when they discovered the presence of carbon dioxide.

Planetary fingerprints

The planet's orbit around its star allows astronomers to see it pass both in front of and behind the parent star.

The planet's eclipses, which occur once every 2.2 days, provide scientists an opportunity to make the subtle distinction of which light is coming from the planet in the face of the overwhelming brightness of the star.

Within the beams are features, similar to fingerprints, of what molecules the light has encountered.

"By using the primary and the secondary eclipse, we're actually localising knowledge about the atmosphere over specific parts of the planet," says Swain.

Some molecules, like carbon dioxide and methane, show up in infrared light. Others, such as oxygen, would leave their footprints in visible or ultraviolet wavelengths.

"The science of exoplanets is driven by what we can do, not what we want to do," says Grillmair. "There's not a lot of data and an abundance of possibilities and ideas, but that shouldn't stop us from pursuing observations with what we have."

"Maybe next week somebody will come up with some molecule that really shouldn't be there. That gives us a hold on the piece of the physics that we didn't have before," he says.

"It's always nice to find the unexpected because sometimes it can involve really interesting paradigm shifts."

Swain's research will be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters. Grillmair and colleagues are publishing additional findings of water in HD 189733's atmosphere in the journal Nature.

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