In years of low ultraviolet activity, unusually cold air forms over the tropics in the stratosphere (Source: Dominic Ebenbichler /Reuters)
Solar variability explains cold northern winters

Chilly connection Scientists have confirmed a link between changes in solar activity and temperatures over Europe and North America.

The study reported in the journal Nature Geoscience found low ultraviolet radiation levels from the Sun can contribute to colder winter temperatures over parts of the northern hemisphere, and the opposite happens in years when ultraviolet levels are higher.

The researchers confirmed previous observations linking variability during the Sun's 11-year solar cycle, with changes to winter temperatures in parts of the northern hemisphere.

"It's more than just coincidence, there's a real correlation between ultraviolet levels and meteorological variables," says study lead author Dr Sarah Ineson from the Met Office Hadley Centre.

However she admits, until now, existing climate models haven't been able to reproduce the pattern.

Data modelling

Ineson and colleagues resolved the problem by combining data from the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment Satellite with new computer models.

"The new ocean-atmosphere computer climate simulations do a better job of modelling the interactions taking place in the stratosphere," says Ineson.

"That's important because the solar response we're seeing is initiated near the top of the stratosphere, 50 kilometres up."

The new model allowed Ineson and colleagues to reproduce a consistent climate pattern, confirming a link between ultraviolet radiation levels and changes in local climatic conditions.

The data also showed that the changes in ultraviolet radiation levels were considerably larger than previously thought.

Moving heat

"In years of low ultraviolet activity, unusually cold air forms over the tropics in the stratosphere," says Ineson.

"This is balanced by a more easterly air flow over the mid latitudes, a pattern which then forces its way down to the surface, bringing easterly winds and cold winters to northern Europe and the United States."

"When ultraviolet radiation levels are higher than usual, the opposite occurs and there are strong westerlies, which bring warmer air and hence milder winters to Canada and southern Europe."

According to Ineson, these changes have little direct effect on global temperatures.

"It's more a redistribution of the patterns of heating," she says. "It's not the sole driver of winter climate over the North Atlantic or Arctic Oscillation, and there's still some uncertainty relating to the validation of the accuracy of the satellite data".

"But if the data is correct we really have quite an exciting prospect of improving the skill of our seasonal to decadal forecasting."

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