Germany's x-ray telescope, ROSAT, is predicted to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere in the next few days (Source:
Car-sized satellite heading for Earth

Space impact A satellite the size of a car is hurtling towards Earth and is expected to crash down within days.

The two-tonne German x-ray telescope is circling the Earth at about 23,000 kilometres per hour, but scientists are still unsure where it will hit.

Parts as large as a refrigerator door and weighing up to 400 kilograms could hit the Earth, but scientists say most of the satellite, named ROSAT, will burn up as it re-enters the atmosphere.

Glen Nagle, from CSIRO's Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex , says it currently looks like a bright shooting star.

"If you were looking at the right time, right place, sunlight reflecting off the spacecraft would certainly make it visible from the ground," he says.

ROSAT was launched by Germany in 1990 and has been used to study energetic processes involving black holes and neutron stars.

Nagle says it is similar to the Hubble telescope and has hard, heavy material onboard to protect its x-ray equipment.

"It had on board a ceramic mirror to reflect the sunlight, to protect the electronics from all the harsh heat so it could do its job and receive x-rays," he says.

"So this ceramic mirror, which is quite large - it probably weighs up to 400 kilograms - could survive re-entry and actually make it all the way back down to the Earth."

One in 14 trillion possibility

Nagle says the chance of anyone catching a glimpse of ROSAT as it re-enters the atmosphere is unlikely, as it is expected to land in the ocean.

And the chance of someone being hit by a piece of falling space debris is more remote.

"The chance of it hitting an individual are one in 14 trillion. The odds are very, very low," says Nagle.

"You're actually more likely to get hit by a meteor coming in from space than you are being hit by this particular satellite coming down."

"If it hit you on the head you'd know about it, but never in the history of any satellite coming down has anybody on Earth been injured by one."

Second in a month

ROSAT is the second satellite to plummet to Earth in a month, with the bus-sized Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) crashing down to Earth in September.

It is not known where the six-tonne UARS landed, but it is mostly likely to have hit the ocean.

ROSAT's mission was only supposed to last 18 months, but was deemed such a success it carried on for eight-and-a-half years, winding up in 1999.

Germany's Aerospace Centre (DLR) says it can no longer communicate with ROSAT or control its re-entry, but its fall will be monitored.

DLR says ROSAT is likely to re-enter the atmosphere between 21 and 24 October.

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