Pulsars are giant permanent magnets in space according to a new theory (Source: NASA)
Study puts new spin on pulsars

pulsar magnet A new study suggests pulsars act as a single giant magnet, a finding that could resolve several unanswered questions about these strange cosmic objects.

Professor Johan Hansson and Anna Ponga from the Lulea University of Technology in Sweden, ouline their idea in a paper published on the pre-press website ArXiv.org.

Pulsars are rapidly spinning neutron stars, dead cores of stars much bigger than our Sun, that have exploded as supernovae at the end of their lives.

They're called pulsars because as they spin, they fire beams of energy. If Earth is in the beams line of sight, it looks like a light house beacon, pulsing on and off.

Hansson and Ponga believe pulsars are 'spin-polarised giant permanent magnets', composed of primarily neutrons acting like giant polarised nuclei, which they call a neutromagnet.

They say this would simply explain several observational facts about pulsars, including the 'beacon effect' caused by the misalignment of rotational and magnetic axes.

Locked in place

Hansson and Ponga say the conventional view is that the strong magnetic field generated by a pulsar happens when a star goes supernova, somehow concentrating its original magnetic field in the pulsar.

However, stars loose much of their material when they explode presumably carrying away much of their magnetic field as well.

Instead, Hansson and Ponga suggest the neutron star's magnetic moments become aligned through the configuration of the nuclear forces between them as the star forms.

As this alignment takes place, the magnetic field is frozen in place, most likely aligning with the star's original field, which acts as a seed and needn't be in the same direction as the star's spin axis.

Hansson and Ponga say this makes neutron stars giant permanent magnets.

More evidence needed

But one leading Australian astronomer has questioned the new explanation.

"While there's still a lot we don't understand about how pulsars and their magnetic fields are formed, there are no fundamental issues with the standard model," says senior CSIRO pulsar astronomer Dr Richard Manchester. "They're making a lot of claims based on flimsy evidence."

"Their ideas on how neutron stars and their magnetic fields are formed is interesting, but very speculative."

Manchester says there are no problems with the standard model having the magnetic field coming from the crust.

"The crust is a highly conducting solid about a kilometre thick and the field is anchored in it as soon as the crust forms, which is soon after the neutron star is formed. So the field is frozen in place and doesn't need to line up with the star's spin axis".

"While there's room for fresh ideas, here I think a lot more work a lot more work needs to be done."

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