An artist's impression of a cometary body being shredded by a neutron star (Source: A. Simonnet, NASA, E/PO, Sonoma State University )
Christmas flash may have been dying comet

A burst of gamma-ray radiation from a distant galaxy, detected on 25 December last year, may have come from a comet crashing into a neutron star, claim astrophysicists.

Gamma-ray bursts, or GRBs, are high-energy releases that often come from stars in their death throes.

The so-called Christmas Day GRB, also known as GRB101225A, was spotted by NASA's Swift radio telescope and excited huge debate.

Its gamma emissions lasted for at least half an hour, whereas the typical GRB lasts from just a couple of seconds to a few minutes, and its emissions in the x-ray part of the energy spectrum faded much faster than usual.

Poring over the data, a team led by Sergio Campana of the Brera Astronomical Observatory in Italy believe that the strange eventwas caused by a minor body such as a comet or asteroid that flew so close to a neutron star that it was ripped apart by gravitational force. Their finding appears in the journal Nature.

They suggest crashing fragments produced a prolonged series of mini gamma-bursts.

Another explanation, offered by Dr Christina Thöne of the Institute of Astrophysics in Andalucia, Spain, is that the big GRB was the merger of a helium star and a neutron star, which created a supernova.

Dr Enrico Costa of the Institute of Space Astrophysics and Cosmic Physics, Rome says both hypothesis are plausible.

But he says without knowing the distance to the GRB source, it isn't possible to determine which explanation is correct.

"At least one is wrong and the definitive proof - namely, unambiguous determination of the GRB's distance from Earth - is missing," he writes in a commentary appearing in Nature.

"In short, not much more can be said about the nature of the Christmas GRB - except that the odds are that the event is a rare phenomenon that looks like a GRB."

"Whatever the case, it's hard to escape the fascination of a possible comet death on Christmas Day."

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