The researchers believe up to three per cent of Mars was habitable, though unlike this surface ice, most of it was underground(Source: JPL/NASA)
Life possible on 'large parts' of Mars

Wet world Australian scientists who modelled conditions on Mars to examine how much of the red planet was habitable believe 'large regions' could sustain terrestrial life.

Dr Charley Lineweaver and colleagues at the Australian National University, compared models of temperature and pressure conditions on Earth with those on Mars to estimate how much of the distant planet was liveable for Earth-like organisms.

Their paper appears in the latest edition of the journal Astrobiology.

While just one per cent of Earth's volume - from core to upper atmosphere - was occupied by life, Lineweaver says their modelling shows three per cent of Mars was habitable, though most of it was underground.

"What we tried to do, simply, was take almost all of the information we could and put it together and say 'is the big picture consistent with there being life on Mars?'," says Lineweaver.

"And the simple answer is yes ... There are large regions of Mars that are compatible with terrestrial life."

Where previous studies had taken a 'piecemeal' approach by examining particular sites on Mars for signs of life, Lineweaver says his research was a "comprehensive compilation" of the entire planet using decades of data.

Frozen water has been found at the poles on Mars and the ANU study examined how much of the planet could sustain water "that could be habitable by Earth-like standards by Earth-like microbes".

Living underground

The low-pressure environment of Mars means water cannot exist as a liquid and will vaporise on the surface, but Lineweaver says the conditions are right underground, where the weight of the soil gives the added pressure required.

It would also be warm enough, at certain depths, for bacteria and other micro-organisms to thrive due to heat from the planet's core.

The average surface temperature on Mars is minus 63&176;C.

Lineweaver says the study is "the best estimate yet published of how habitable Mars is to terrestrial microbes" and a significant finding given humans had evolved from microbial life.

"It's not important if you want to figure out what the laws of physics are and you want to talk to some intelligent aliens who could build spaceships," he says.

"If you're interested in the origin of life and how likely life is to get started on other planets, that's what relevant here."

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