The research confirms that supernovae are caused by the explosion of white dwarfs (Source: NASA/CXC/M.Weiss)
Supernova secrets revealed

Out with a bang Scientists observing the early moments of a supernova have for the first time confirmed that some are caused by the destruction of white dwarfs.

The discovery confirms long standing theories about these powerful explosions which can outshine galaxies.

Two papers on the supernova named SN2011fe have been published in the journal Nature.

SN2011fe is located 21 million light years away in M-101 (Pinwheel galaxy) in the constellation Ursa Major.

Lead author of one paper, Dr Peter Nugent, of the United States Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, says the supernova was detected just 11 hours after light from the explosion reached Earth.

Nugent and colleagues were able to calculate the time of the blast to within 20 minutes, allowing them to fine tune some models of supernovae and dismiss others.

First confirmation

Type 1A supernovae are exploding stars characterised by an absence of hydrogen, the most abundant element in the Universe. They're thought to be caused by the explosion of white dwarfs that is part of a binary system, drawing matter from the companion star. But this is the first confirmation of that theory.

As the white dwarf accumulates matter, it eventually reaches about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, and then suddenly explodes, ripping itself apart.

Being able to study the supernova so early, allowed Nugent and colleagues to confirm the progenitor star was a white dwarf.

They also found the explosion converted large amounts of carbon and oxygen into heavier elements such as nickel.

"A shock wave rips through and ejects the material in a bright expanding photosphere," says Nugent. "Much of the brightness comes from the heat of the radioactive nickel as it decays to cobalt."

"Light also comes from ejecta being heated by the shock wave, and if this runs into the companion star it can be reheated, adding to the luminosity."

Searching for the companion

The second paper by scientists including Dr Weidong Li from the University of California Berkeley, searched Hubble and Spitzer images looking for the white dwarf's companion star.

They were able to rule out red giants and bright stars with strong stellar winds called helium stars, concluding the most likely binary partner was a star not much bigger than our Sun.

Dr Stuart Ryder from the Australian Astronomical Observatory says understanding how type 1A supernovae form is important part in our understanding of the cosmos.

"Because all type 1A supernovae explode with similar characteristics, we use them as standard candles, to help determine distances across the universe," says Ryder.

"So it's important to understand as much as we can about the objects that give rise to a type 1A supernova."

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