Fermi gamma ray observatory is allowing astronomers to find rare binary stellar systems(Source: NASA)
Rare multiple star system discovered

Gamma burst Scientists using NASA's Fermi space telescope have discovered one of the most instense energy sources in the comsos - a rare gamma-ray binary star system.

The discovery opens a new window on these extremely high energy sources.

A binary star system consists of two stars orbiting each other.

In this case, one is either a black hole or neutron star, while the companion is a giant star about 20 times the mass of the Sun.

Dr Robin Corbet, a senior research scientist from the University of Maryland and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre says, "While many x-ray binaries have been discovered, surprisingly only a handful give off gamma-rays".

Writing in the journal Science, Corbet and colleagues report that binary star systems with gamma-ray emissions from either a neutron star or a black hole are rare even though evolution models predict dozens should exist in our galaxy.

"So far only about four have been detected," says Corbet.

"They were found because they also gave off either radio waves or x-rays."

"This new discovery is the first to be detected just by looking for gamma-ray radiation directly, so it's a new way to find them."

Difficult research

Corbet says gamma-rays are hard to study because they're blocked by the Earth's atmosphere and detectors have difficulty picking them up.

"But Fermi's LAT (Large Area Telescope) is much more powerful than previous generations of these instruments, so we used it to hunt for these elusive gamma-ray binaries which should be out there," says Corbet.

"Fermi's found well over a thousand gamma-ray sources in the sky, but these are usually quasars or pulsars."

The newly detected binary, named 1FGL J1018.6-5856, was discovered about 16,300 light years away near the Milky Way's galactic plane.

Corbet and colleagues knew they had a binary, because the gamma-ray emissions were modulated.

"They were getting brighter and dimmer in a 16.6 day cycle, so we knew it was part of a binary with two stars orbiting each other," says Corbet.

Follow up observations using NASA's Swift space telescope also detected x-ray emissions, but much fainter than the gamma-ray emissions.

Gravity and stellar wind

In a normal x-ray binary, material from the companion star falls onto the neutron star or black hole releasing gravitational energy, which heats up the material, giving off x-rays.

But gamma-rays have far more energy, so you can't make them by heating things up, relying instead on a non-thermal mechanism.

Corbet says, "A very strong stellar wind coming out of the companion star colliding with the stellar wind coming from a pulsar could form a shock which then converts light from the ordinary star into gamma-rays".

However the researchers are yet to find evidence that the neutron star is a pulsar.

"This discovery tends to support that model but more discoveries are needed to refine the model better," says Corbet.

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