Some planets may duck in and out of habitable zones, but still maintain a hospitable environment (Source: NASA)
Wider net needed in search for alien life

Odd-ball homes Astronomers may have to broaden their definition of what makes a habitable planet, after a new study has found life could survive on planets previously considered too hot or too cold.

The work, to appear in the journal Astrobiology and published on, demonstrates the kaleidoscope of variables that can play a role in life's ability to survive on other worlds.

"The habitable zone is a region around a star where temperatures allow liquid water to exist on the surface of an orbiting planet," says NASA scientist Dr Stephen Kane from the California Institute of Technology.

Kane and fellow Caltech researcher Dr Dawn Gelino have used their study to create the Habitable Zone Gallery website resource for NASA's Exoplanet Science Institute.

"One of the things we're trying to do is find out if the Earth is unique, is there another planet like the Earth," says Kane.

"The Habitable Zone Gallery provides a research resource for people wanting to study planets that may orbit in this zone."

More 800 exo-planets (planets beyond our solar system) have been discovered so far, and thousands of candidate planets are still to be confirmed.

The laborious task involves collecting data sets of all known stars with planets, and calculating the habitable zone for each based on the star's luminosity.

Kane and Gelino then add the planets in that system to see if they reside in the zone.


"We were surprised to see just how different other systems are, with some planets on highly elongated and eccentric orbits similar to those of comets in our solar system," says Kane.

"These planets only spend part of their time in habitable zones, the rest of the orbit gets too hot or too cold."

"But does that exclude life? We know some organisms can survive in space and thrive under extreme conditions on Earth."

Kane argues other conditions such as a planet's mass, size and atmosphere should also be considered, because they also affect survival chances.

"For example we have found a planet with about 95 per cent the mass of Earth in the habitable zone of a Sun-like star," says Kane.

"But that planet is Venus, one of the most inhospitable places in the solar system, with a run-away greenhouse effect and no life."

Another example is Jupiter which orbits beyond the habitable zone, but exerts strong tidal forces generating enough heat for liquid water to exist below the surfaces of Europa and Ganymede.

"We should be considering the total energy budget of the planet or moon when we talk about habitable zone, not just its orbit in relation to its host star," says Kane.

Water and life

Another issue to be considered is whether liquid water is essential for life in the first place.

"We think of liquid water being essential because it's a natural solvent for organic chemistry and it's common," says Kane.

"But there are other chemicals that could serve as a solvent."

"All these need to be considered because there's a potential for habitability in regions we wouldn't expect."

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