The oldest supernovae were also the most powerful marking the death of stars up to 260 times more massive than the Sun (Source: Adrian Malec/Marie Martig/Swinburne University)
Ancient supernovae bigger than modern ones

Big bangs Australian astronomers have detected two supernovae explosions up a hundred times more powerful than anything ever observed before.

The two events, which have been called "superluminous supernovae" are also the earliest supernovae ever detected, with one dating back to when the universe was just 1.5 billion years old.

The research brings astronomers a step closer to finding the first generation of stars that shone after the big bang.

Today's biggest stars are about 20 solar masses, but in the early universe the first generations of stars could grow up to 260 times the mass of the Sun.

"We think the first generation of stars got so big because they only had hydrogen and helium to form out of," says study lead author Dr Jeff Cooke of Melbourne's Swinburne University.

"There were no heavier elements in the universe yet, to cool the gas and allow it to fragment and form smaller stars."

"So all the later stars have a different mass distribution than those first generation of stars."

Reporting in the journal Nature, Cooke and colleagues say the huge size of these early stars resulted in a different kind of supernovae explosion when they died, compared to later stellar generations.

Biggest stars

"When stars are so massive, gamma ray photons produced in their cores during nuclear fusion supports the stars," says Cooke.

"When fusion stops the gamma rays convert into mass, electrons and positrons, (the electrons antimatter counterpart) and that support is lost causing the star to collapse upon itself, resulting in a superluminous supernovae."

Stars that die as supernovae either explode when their core collapses after running out of fuel or after sucking too much matter off an adjacent star.

Superluminous supernovae were first detected just a few years ago, and are rare in the nearby universe, with only one discovered prior to the research by Cooke and colleagues.

Such events are expected to have occurred more frequently in the early universe, when massive stars were more common.

Cooke and colleagues found their supernovae by searching through images from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey.

They then used the giant 10-metre Keck telescope to determine the age of the galaxies.

"Although the spectra of these two objects make it unlikely that their progenitors were among the first generation of stars, the results suggest that detection of those stars may not be far from our grasp," says Cooke.

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