New measurements for star system SS Cygni has allowed astronomers to better understand compact stellar objects like black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs (Source: NASA/JPL/Chandra)
Citizen science measures up

Volunteer force Citizen scientists have helped solve a decades-old puzzle by assisting astronomers to make the most accurate distance measurements yet for an important star system.

The new research, reported in the in the journal Science, found the distance to the binary system SS Cygni in the constellation Cygnus the Swan, is 372 light-years.

That's far closer than previous measurements of 520 light-years made by the Hubble Space Telescope, according to the study's lead author Dr James Miller-Jones of Curtin University and the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research.

"This binary is the prototype for a particular kind of system ... we use it to try to understand all other similar systems," says Miller-Jones.

The binary system consists of a white dwarf, which is the dead stellar corpse of a star that was once like the Sun. It's in orbit with a normal companion star of about half the Sun's mass, known as an orange dwarf.

The density of the white dwarf produces strong gravity, sucking gas off the normal star which is only about 1.6 million kilometres away.

This material spirals around the dwarf in an accretion disk, and every so often, a lot of this gas falls from the disk on to the white dwarf's surface, heating up dramatically and becoming 40 times brighter.

"These systems are called dwarf novae," says Miller-Jones.

SS Cygni allows Miller-Jones and colleagues to understand the dynamics of similar, but far less common systems that have more exotic stellar corpses, such as black holes or neutron stars.

"By studying these, we can find out about how black holes pull gas off companion stars," says Miller-Jones.

"Also these outbursts are much more regular, so we see them more frequently, we have more of them to study."

Not adding up

Miller-Jones and colleagues thought they had a fairly well-developed theoretical model to explain the physics behind these regular brightening events.

However, the distance to SS Cygni measured using the Hubble Space Telescope produced puzzling results that didn't match predictions.

"If SS Cygni was actually as far away as Hubble measured, then it was far too bright to be what we thought it was, and we would have had to rethink the physics of how systems like this worked," says Miller-Jones.

The distance to SS Cygni is measured using parallax trigonometry, a concept Miller-Jones likens to

watching your finger wobble.

"If you hold your finger out at arm's length and move your head from side to side, you should see your finger appear to wobble against the background," explains Miller-Jones.

"If you move your finger closer to your head, you'll see it starts to wobble more.

"We did the exact same thing with SS Cygni, we measured how far it moved against background stars, as Earth moved along its orbit around the Sun."

Because optical telescopes like Hubble see in visible light, they see relatively nearby background stars, which are also moving in orbit around the galaxy.

Volunteers to the rescue

To get more precise measurements, Miller-Jones and colleagues used radio telescopes to compare radio emissions from SS Cygni during brightening events, with radio emissions from very distant background galaxies that don't appear to move at all.

SS Cygni only emits radio signals for a brief period, so citizen scientists were enlisted to monitor the star system night after night.

They alerted Miller-Jones and colleagues when brightening events occurred, allowing them to start radio telescope observations, and obtain new more accurate distance measurements.

"Our new distance measurement has solved the puzzle of SS Cygni's brightness ... we think we understand what's going on after all, which is very reassuring," says Miller-Jones.

"Without the help of our citizen scientists, we wouldn't have known when to look."

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