Artist's impression of Kepler 78b and its host star(Source: Cristina Sanchis Ojeda/MIT)
Hellish 'Earth' whips round star

Fast and furious A team of astronomers has discovered an Earth-sized planet where it could be your birthday, Christmas and New Year's Eve every day.

The planet, named Kepler 78b and discovered by NASA's Kepler planet-hunting spacecraft, whips around its host star once every 8.5 hours.

But that's where the fun ends.

Kepler 78b's orbit is about 40 times closer to its star than Mercury is to our Sun.

And, according to research published in The Astrophysical Journal, the surface of the planet is estimated to be more than 2500°C and covered in a layer of lava.

The astronomers intentionally set out to look for Earth-sized planets with very short orbital periods, says study co-author Josh Winn of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

"We've gotten used to planets having orbits of a few days," says Winn. "But we wondered, what about a few hours? Is that even possible? And sure enough, there are some out there."

To find these planets, the astronomers analysed light from more than 150,000 stars imaged by Kepler.

They looked for telltale dips caused by a planet passing in front of a star, similar to a transit of the Sun.

They also detected light given off by the planet by measuring the amount by which the overall light dimmed each time the planet passed behind the star.


While it is about the size of the Earth, Kepler 78b is most certainly not habitable, due to its extreme proximity to its host star.

"You'd have to really stretch your imagination to imagine living on a lava world," Winn says. "We certainly wouldn't survive there."

But this doesn't entirely rule out the possibility of other habitable, short-period planets. Winn's group is now looking for exoplanets that orbit brown dwarfs -- cold, almost-dead stars that somehow failed to ignite.

"If you're around one of those brown dwarfs, then you can get as close in as just a few days," Winn says. "It would still be habitable, at the right temperature."

Winn hopes observations by larger telescopes will provide more detailed information about the planet's surface composition, reflective properties, and even mass.

Ball of iron

In a separate paper, published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, astronomers describe a planet named KOI 1843.03, with an even shorter orbital period: just 4.25 hours.

The group, led by MIT physics professor emeritus Saul Rappaport, determined that in order for the planet to maintain its extremely tight orbit around its star, it would have to be incredibly dense, made almost entirely of iron, otherwise the immense tidal forces from the nearby star would rip the planet to pieces.

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