Titan may have a super strong ice shell below its frozen surface (Source: NASA/Cassini)
Hard shell surrounds Titan's soft centre

Tough exterior Saturn's largest moon Titan is covered in a rigid ice shell, far stronger than previously thought, according to a new study.

The findings, reported in the journal Nature, are raising new questions about the giant moon's internal structure and composition.

Titan is shrouded in a thick methane and ethane atmosphere, which scientists believe is similar to that of early Earth.

Also like Earth, its surface is laced with rivers, lakes and seas. However Titan's freezing temperatures mean these contain liquid hydrocarbons instead of water, which only exist there as ice boulders and rocks.

"Titan's already a mysterious body, and one of the most interesting places in the solar system," says the study's lead author, Doug Hemingway of the University of California, Santa Cruz.

"It has all these puzzles that are hard to explain, and now we come along and just make it worse."

Gravity surprise

Hemingway and colleagues made their unexpected discovery while comparing topography and gravity data from Titan, gathered by NASA's Cassini spacecraft.

The probe has been exploring the ringed world of Saturn and its many moons since 2004, flying past Titan more than eighty times.

Cassini also measured Titan's moment of inertia, the amount of energy needed to stop its rotation, which they calculate is about fifty per cent higher than it should be for a solid body.

This can only be explained if Titan is denser near its surface than its centre, indicating a huge sub-surface ocean of liquid water, below a 200-kilometre thick shell of water ice.

The new data collected by Hemingway and colleagues found areas of Titan had a negative gravity reading.

"It's a very strange result, we struggled with it at first," says Hemingway.

"We thought we were looking at the data wrong, maybe we had a sign flipped the wrong way or something, but we won't able to make the problem go away."

Mountains and Icebergs

To explain their unexpected observations, Hemingway and colleagues compare the surface of Titan to an iceberg with most of its mass below the water.

"If you have a flat surface, you would expect no change in the gravity signal, it would just be constantly flat," says Hemingway.

"If you put a lump of material there, say a mountain, that extra mass is going to give you extra gravitational pull, but what we're seeing on Titan is the opposite, a negative gravity reading."

According to Hemingway, the buoyancy of the subterranean ocean on Titan is keeping the top of the mountains above the surface. The negative gravity readings indicate Titan's mountains have deep roots displacing the denser water.

Hemingway and colleagues found erosion was also removing mass from the mountain tops, however the stiffness of the ice shell is preventing buoyancy from pushing up further subsurface material.

"If the ice shell is really strong and rigid, then it's better able to resist the buoyancy wanting to push it up from the ice below," says Hemingway.

"And if you also have erosion at the surface then that further decreases the gravity signature."

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