The dung beetle study was the first to document use of the Milky Way for orientation in the animal kingdom (Source: Emily Baird)
Dung beetle astronomy study wins Ig Nobel

Ig Nobel awards The discovery that dung beetles use the Milky Way to navigate is among the achievements being awarded at this year's Ig Nobel Prizes.

The Ig Nobel awards, which famously honours achievements that "make people laugh, and then make them think", were presented at Harvard University today.

Professor Eric Warrant, of Lund University in Sweden, and colleagues, have won the Joint Prize in Biology and Astronomy for being the first to document the use of the Milky Way for orientation in the animal kingdom.

Their research was published in the journal Current Biology earlier this year.

"I actually am quite chuffed," says Warrant. "It's an exciting thing to be nominated for the Ig Nobels. Obviously it's not anything like the Nobel Prize but it's actually a recognition that one has done something that's raised eyebrows a bit and caused a bit of a stir but, nonetheless, is recognised as being good science."

Warrant, who was born in Australia, studied physics at the University of New South Wales and then zoology and "a lot of entomology" due to a keen interest in insects.

When he first decided to do a PhD combining physics and entomology Warrant "expected to be laughed at" but he soon found a welcoming home at the Australian National University's department of neurobiology, which was combining these disciplines.

"I went there to study the optics of the eyes of dung beetles, which have a very specific type of compound eye, which is very different to the kind of eye that you get in day-active insects like a fly or a butterfly. It's built for vision in dim light," says Warrant.

"That's how I got into dung beetles."

Insect hats

Warrant says most insects can only see a small number of the absolutely brightest stars in the sky so this is why the Milky Way's distinctive stripe of light across the night sky - especially in the Southern Hemisphere - is a useful navigation cue.

He thinks the Ig Nobel prize was awarded because he and colleagues invented special little hats made from black cardboard (and controls made of a clear material), which were taped to the beetles' heads.

The hats blocked the beetles' view of the sky and helped lead to the discovery that insects were using the Milky Way for navigation.

The findings were confirmed in a planetarium in which a simulated Milky Way was turned on and off.

Warrant says he and colleagues are now trying to work out how beetles navigate when there are cues other than the Milky Way.

For example, during the day the Sun and its polarised light provide cues, and on moonlit nights, the lunar cue competes with the Milky Way.

"What we're trying to do now is to unravel how important all these different cues are," says Warrant.

Other awards

Other achievements being awarded an Ig Nobel this year include:

  • An assessment of the effect of listening to opera, on heart transplant patients who are mice.

  • A confirmation, by experiment, that people who think they are drunk also think they are attractive.

  • An electro-mechanical system to trap airplane hijackers.

  • A discovery that some people would be physically capable of running across the surface of a pond — if those people and that pond were on the moon.

  • The discovery that the biochemical process by which onions make people cry is even more complicated than scientists previously realised.

A full list of winners, as well as a replay of the IgNobel ceremony, is on the IgNobel website.

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