Rocky and water rich remains found orbiting a white dwarf star could represent the type of terrestrial body which once brought water to Earth (Source: Mark Garlick space art / University of Warwick / University of Cambridge)
Space graveyard reveals hints of Earth's fate

Planetary post-mortem The shattered remains of a minor planet that once had abundant water has been found orbiting a distant dead star, providing a glimpse of our own planet's ultimate fate.

The discovery, reported in the journal Science, represents the first evidence of a water-rich rocky planetary body outside our solar system.

"It's also a look into our own future," says study lead author Dr Jay Farihi of the University of Cambridge.

"Six billion years from now, alien astronomers studying the rocky remains around our burned out Sun, might reach the same conclusion, terrestrial planets once circled our parent star," says Farihi.

The planetary remains were detected by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and the Keck Observatory in Hawaii, in a circumstellar disc of debris orbiting a white dwarf star called GD-61, located about 150 light-years away.

A white dwarf is the dead stellar corpse of a Sun-like star that has run out of fuel for nuclear fusion and lost its outer layers. All that's left is its stellar core which will slowly cool down over billions of years.

The original star which formed the white dwarf was about two to three times the mass of the Sun.

Planet post-mortem

"We can get chemical information from planetary debris that falls onto a white dwarf, because white dwarfs have pure hydrogen and helium atmospheres," says Farihi.

Farihi and colleagues were able to detect signatures for other elements in the white dwarfs outer atmosphere, including magnesium, silicon, and iron, as well as an excess of oxygen.

Together, these are the main components of rocks.

It indicates the debris was once part of an asteroid or minor planet, at least 90 kilometres wide, and probably larger, depending how much material had already fallen onto the white dwarf, which formed about 200 million years ago.

Study co-author Dr Boris Gansicke, of the University of Warwick says chemical clues in the remnant points to a water-rich terrestrial body.

"This planetary graveyard swirling around the embers of its parent star is a rich source of information about its former life," says Gansicke.

Excess oxygen levels indicate the disc includes about 26 per cent water, which is similar to the dwarf planet Ceres in the main asteroid belt of our solar system, and far more water-rich than Earth, which has just 0.02 per cent of its mass as water.

"This oxygen excess can be carried by either water or carbon, and in this star there is virtually no carbon, indicating there must have been substantial water," he says.

"This also rules out comets, which are rich in both water and carbon compounds, so we knew we were looking at a rocky asteroid with substantial water content."

Planetary destruction

The debris disc was formed when the original planetary body moved too close to the white dwarf and was ripped apart by its tidal gravity.

According to Farihi, the asteroid must have been knocked from its original orbit and sent in towards the white dwarf when it came in contact with the gravitational field of a massive object like a giant planet.

"These asteroids tell us that the GD 61 system had, or still has rocky, terrestrial planets, and the way they pollute the white dwarf tells us that giant planets probably still exist there," says Farihi.

The authors say the discovery supports the idea that the star originally had a full complement of terrestrial planets, and probably gas giant planets, orbiting it in a complex stellar system similar to our own.

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