Data from the MESSENGER and Mariner 10 spacecraft have now unveiled about 95& of the planet (Source: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of Washington)
Spacecraft reveals Mercury's inner planet

MESSENGER's second fly-by of the planet Mercury has shown the solar system's smallest planet to be far more active than previously thought.

During its October 2008 flyby, the MESSENGER spacecraft's cameras took more than 1200 images of the surface, including details of a well-preserved impact basin, measuring 692 kilometre across, which shows signs of a volcanic past.

The so-called Rembrandt basin is the first such geological feature observed on Mercury where the ground is well exposed and not covered by a thick layer of volcanic ash.

"This basin formed about 3.9 billion years ago, near the end of the period of heavy bombardment of the inner solar system," says Thomas Watters from the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, a lead author of one of the studies, published in journal Science.

"This second Mercury flyby provided a number of new findings," says Sean Solomon, the probe's principal investigator from the Washington-based Carnegie Institution.

"One of the biggest surprises was how strongly the dynamics of the planet's magnetic field-solar wind interaction changed from what we saw during the first Mercury flyby in January 2008.

"The discovery of a large and unusually well preserved impact basin shows concentrated volcanic and deformational activity."


Using image-capturing technology and a laser altimeter to survey the ground, MESSENGER revealed approximately one-third of the planet, which has never previously been seen.

The probe soared past the planet's equator at an altitude of 201 kilometres and a speed of 23,818 kilometres per hour.

Combined with data from the first flyby and from Mariner 10, which made three passes in 1974 and 1975, the latest coverage means scientists have now seen about 95% of the planet.

The probe is on course to make its third flyby on 29 September this year.

Mercury is the closest of all the planets to the Sun, and because of the high-risks of its proximity - the Sun's enormous gravitational pull, and massively high levels of radiation - it is one of the most mysterious bodies in the solar system, even though it is relatively close to Earth.

The January 2008 visit showed scientists that volcanic eruptions produced many of Mercury's expansive plains, littered with meteor craters, and that its magnetic field appears to be actively generated in a molten iron core.

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