No need to panic, say experts, the chances are pretty low (Source: J Vidal-Madjar/IMCCE-CNRS )
Jupiter could cause planetary chaos

The gravity of Jupiter could one day pull Mercury off course triggering a chain reaction of collisions in the Solar System, say experts.

But despite the threat, there's only a 1% chance of this happening in the next 5 billion years, say French researchers in today's issue of the journal Nature.

"These are some pretty impressive simulations," comments Australian planet scientist, Dr Simon O'Toole, of the Anglo-Australian Observatory.

"When you try and calculate the orbits of planets it's not a simple matter of writing down a couple of equations and plugging in some numbers," he adds. "It's a really difficult chaotic problem where you need to run a lot different possibilities."

O'Toole says previous research has suggested the outer planets could affect the orbits of the inner planets through the influence of gravity.

He says the supercomputer simulations conducted by Dr Jacques Laskar and Mickael Gastineau from the Observatoire de Paris are the most precise predictions yet.

"They took very very precise measurement of the positions of the planets as they are now and then worked forward and asked what could happen, what were all the possibilities," says O'Toole.

Deformed orbit

He says the orbits of most planets are approximately circular, but Mercury's orbit is about 20% deformed, rendering it more vulnerable to being disturbed by the gravity of large outer planets like Jupiter.

Jupiter can pull Mercury out of its orbit, especially when the two planets line up on the same side of the Sun, says O'Toole: "It's like a tug of war".

He says Mercury could eventually cross the orbit of Venus and collide with Venus, or - just as bad - the Sun.

O'Toole says if Mercury did collide with Venus it would be catastrophic and make our concerns about kilometre sized asteroids hitting the Earth pale into insignificance.

"It would be very, very bad for everyone in the vicinity," he says.

"Several hundred or several thousand-kilometre sized chunks of planet would wipe out life as we know it, basically."

O'Toole says after the collision, Venus' orbit itself would then be disturbed and a "chain reaction" would result where Earth could collide with Venus or Mars.

But, says O'Toole, there's no need to panic right now.

He says Laskar and Gastineau have calculated there's only a 1% chance this will happen in the next 5 billion years.

"I think the time scales we're talking about is millions of years before we would even see a change, so people shouldn't rush out and do anything rash," he says.

O'Toole says the easiest thing to do in the event of this scenario would be for humans to try and leave the Solar System.

"That's what I would be voting for, if given a choice," he says.

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