Citizen science measures up
Volunteer force Citizen scientists have helped solve a decades-old puzzle by assisting astronomers to make the most accurate distance measurements ye

Galactic crash solves cosmic mystery
Galactic missing link Astronomers have captured the rare merger of two ancient galaxies crashing into each other, igniting the birth of more than 200

ABC comets rise from the dead
Born again comets Astronomers have found a group of comets that have risen from the dead. The asteroidal belt comets - or ABCs for short - li

Neptune's windy weather skims surface
fastest winds Neptune may have the fastest winds in the solar system, but they just skim across the top of the planet's atmosphere, according to a ne

Comet century may be telescope's last
Observatory closure? Australia's only comet-hunting telescope has just detected its 100th comet. The discovery makes the Uppsala telescope at

Earth's core moves to its own beat
Earth in a spin The Earth's core is out of sync with the outer crust of the planet, frequently speeding up and slowing down from decade to decade, a

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Galaxy Building Blocks

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