Tiny planet rocks astronomy world
Planet find A rocky world smaller than Mercury - the tiniest planet yet detected - has been discovered by an international team of astronomers.

Higgs data indicates finite life of universe
Number crunch Scientists are still sorting out the details of last year's discovery of the Higgs boson particle, but add up the numbers and it's not

'Smoking gun' solves cosmic ray mystery
Supernovae source Astronomers have found the "smoking gun" that proves supernovae are a source of extremely high-energy cosmic rays. A four-y

Major asteroid site found in Aussie outback
Big bang One of the largest ancient asteroid impact zones on Earth has been discovered in north-eastern South Australia. The impact zone, whi

Record asteroid to fly close to Earth
Close encounter People living in the west of Australia are well placed to see a space rock half the size of a football field skim past Earth next wee

Other Earths could be 'in our backyard'
Red dwarf worlds Earth-like planets capable of hosting life could be much closer than we think, say US astronomers. They estimate six per-cen

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