New way to predict space weather
Scientists have found a new way to predict solar storm activity days before it happens. The new research will improve astronomers' ability to forecast space weather e

Fossil find shows Martian life possible
Earliest life Earth's oldest fossils have been found in Australia and researchers say their microscopic discovery is convincing evidence that cells a

Man on the Moon not so old
Younger look A new study of lunar rocks collected by the Apollo 16 astronauts indicates the Moon could be 60 million years younger than previously th

Dead stars feeding off the living
Stellar zombies A new study has found dead stars can self destruct in violent supernova explosions by stripping matter off normal stars. Thes

Dust particles may run rings around Pluto
Ringed dwarf Pluto may have lost its former status as a planet, but a new study shows the tiny frozen world at the edge of the solar system may have

Space probe to play asteroid billiards
In what seems like something inspired by a Hollywood action movie, scientists are planning to fire an impactor into the side of a small asteroid to test how far it can be knoc...

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Galaxy Building Blocks

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