Cosmic fossil reveals black hole feeding frenzy
Black hole burst The black hole at the centre of the Milky Way is relatively quiet, but astronomers have found traces of a major feeding event two mi

Spinning star has a split personality
Jekyll and Hyde Astronomers have found a neutron star that can switch from being a rotating radio wave beacon to a weight-gaining x-ray emitter, in a

Mars soil scoop contains two per cent water
Water discovery Analysis of Martian soil by NASA's ongoing Mars Curiosity rover has turned up a surprising amount of water, as well as a chemical tha

Cosmic fossil reveals big hole feeding frenzy
Black hole burst The black hole at the centre of the Milky Way is relatively quite, but astronomers have found traces of a major feeding event two mi

NASA gives up on lost comet probe
Out of touch NASA is calling off attempts to find its Deep Impact comet probe after a suspected software glitch shut down radio communications in Aug

Methane findings dash hope for life on Mars
Mars methane Hopes of finding life on Mars suffered a setback after detection of only trace amounts of methane gas in the Red Planet's atmosphere, sa

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