Kepler probes inside swollen red giant
Astronomers have found a tool to probe deep into the heart of a dying star, known as a red giant. The discovery reported in the journal

Moonageddon: Apocalypse not
Lunar cycle Romantics, werewolves and other moon gazers are in for a treat this weekend as they witness the biggest full moon seen in nearly 20 years

Messenger enters Mercury orbit
Mercurian effort NASA's Messenger spacecraft has began orbiting Mercury, becoming the first to fly around the solar system's innermost planet.

Dead stars may harbour Earth-like planets
Heavenly search Dead stars might be a good place to search for Earth-like planets capable of harbouring life, says a US astronomer. Astronome

Astronomers dig up cannibalised galaxy
Stellar feast Astronomers have uncovered the shredded remains of a dwarf galaxy buried deep inside the stellar disk of our own galaxy the Milky Way.

NASA spacecraft unravels comet mystery
Mission success Stardust's flyby of Tempel 1 shows signs of erosion on the comet's surface, as well as the first clear pictures of the crater made by

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