Biofuel rocket engine passes test run
The aerospace industry may become a little greener, after the recent test firing of a small rocket engine using commercially available biodiesel. The Rocketdyne LR-10

Galactic impact leaves Milky Way ringing
The effects of a small galaxy colliding with our own almost two billion years ago are still being felt, say an international team of astronomers. Their findings, which

Space crash increases collision odds
The collision between a US and a Russian satellite over Siberia may have been accidental and the first of its kind, but experts say more crashes will inevitably occur.

Martian volcano could shelter life
The lopsided nature of the solar system's biggest volcano, Olympus Mons, strengthens the case that life is hiding in the Martian surface, according to a new study. Ri

NASA, ESA to decide on 'life' mission
News analysis An ongoing debate on whether to send a robotic mission to Saturn's moon Titan or Jupiter's Europa may be settled later this week.

Astronomers get double pulsar's measure
A new software package developed by an Australian PhD student has helped astronomers calculate the exact distance to a bizarre double pulsar. As well as providing a ma

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Galaxy Building Blocks

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