Dark energy pushing universe apart
X-ray measurements of distant galaxy clusters confirm theories that dark energy is forcing the universe to expand infinitely, say scientists. Their findings boost the

Sun's impact on rainfall 'predictable'
The sun's magnetic fields may have an impact on weather conditions such as El Niño, and could be an effective tool in long-term rainfall predictions, an Australian geog...

Hubble spots CO2 on extrasolar planet
Carbon dioxide has been found in the atmosphere of a planet orbiting a distant star, a finding that could help astronomers pinpoint the location of extraterrestrial life.

Astronomers find Milky Way's sweet spot
You don't need telescopes searching for earth-like planets or rovers on far-away worlds to find life in the universe - just look for clouds of sweet molecules. Dr Mar

NASA to launch carbon sniffer-dog
A satellite that can sniff out carbon dioxide in the air will be launched by NASA to help accurately measure the gas in the atmosphere and where it is being recycled by the ea...

Icy moon blasts liquid water
Huge plumes of water vapour and ice particles are spewing from Saturn's moon Enceladus at supersonic speeds in a way that strongly suggests they come from liquid water down be...

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