Astronomers detect cry of a dying star
Death star For the first time astronomers have detected the last gasps of a star being torn apart by a previously dormant giant black hole. T

Moon born out of cosmic head-on: study
Hit-and-run A new twist in the theory of how the moon formed claims Earth was the victim of a cosmic hit and run, and the offender may still be out t

Kepler spots 'perfectly aligned' alien worlds
Perfect worlds Astronomers have confirmed that our solar system isn't unique, after the discovery of a planetary system that is as flat and orderly a

Ancient galaxy puts astronomers in a spin
Surprise find Astronomers have found a link between the earliest spiral galaxies and galactic collisions. The discovery reported in the journ

Mars rover may be in for blind landing
Delayed response? NASA's new Mars rover is heading for a risky do-or-die touchdown next month, but we may not know for hours whether it arrived safel

Earth's water formed close to home
Watery origins A new study claims most of Earth's water didn't originate in the frozen outer reaches of the solar system, but came from the asteroid

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