Dwarf finding solves galactic conundrum
Mystery solved A long-standing mystery relating to the evolution of galaxies has been solved thanks to a serendipitous find by an Australian astrophy

Middleweight black hole shows its jets
Black holes Evidence of hot jets of plasma have confirmed the presence of a middleweight black hole, boosting one theory about how much larger black

Mystery of the missing stellar dust
Dust buster Astronomers are baffled by the sudden disappearance of a planet-forming disc around a distant star. Scientists say the system has

Tides of Titan reveal underground ocean
Saturnian ocean Saturn's largest moon Titan may have a huge subsurface ocean according to new data from NASA's

Solar tornadoes help solve coronal mystery
Hot twister Scientists say magnetic super tornadoes, thousands of times bigger than anything on Earth, may explain why the Sun's outer atmosphere is

'Odd couple' do extreme planet tango
Strange coupling An odd pair of distant worlds - one rocky like Earth and another gassy like Neptune - have been found doing the closest dance of any

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Galaxy Building Blocks

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