Astronomers uncover stardust origins
Dirty old stars A new study of ancient stars known as red giants has provided fresh insights into how newly created atoms and dust grains are spread

Martian dark spots reveal heart of glass
Volcanic effect Dark patches visible across much of the northern Martian hemisphere aren't canals or vegetation, as once thought, but volcanic glass

Monster solar tornadoes discovered
Hot twisters For the first time, huge solar tornadoes have been filmed swirling deep inside the solar corona - the Sun's superheated atmosphere.

Report suggests new formula for Earth
Back to basics A new report claims existing assumptions about the composition of the Earth are wrong and don't match the evidence. The paper

Study throws Moon theory up in the air
Lunar rethink New questions have been raised about the birth of the Moon after a new study found samples from Earth and the lunar surface to be virtu

Mercury findings raise new questions
One of a kind New data from NASA's Messenger spacecraft has surprised scientists showing the planet Mercury has some of the most unusual internal dyn

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