Venus slowdown has astronomers in a spin
Mysterious rotation Scientists have detected a sudden and dramatic slowdown in the rotation of Earth's sister planet Venus. Data from the

Largest virtual telescope operational
Big eye Astronomers in Chile have created the world's largest virtual optical telescope by using a special technique to combine images from the four

Fourth 'habitable' planet close to home
Earthly neighbour Astronomers have found the fourth potentially habitable planet outside our solar system with temperatures that could support water

Kepler team finds 11 new solar systems
NASA's planet-hunting Kepler space telescope has found 11 new planetary systems, including one with five planets all o

Comets seen in a brand new light
Death of a snowball Data from several satellites has been combined to provide the most detailed picture yet of the death of a comet as it falls into

Mars probe 'crashes into Pacific': military
Inglorious end Russia believes fragments of its Phobos-Grunt probe which spiralled back to Earth after failing to head on a mission to Mars crashed i

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