Spectrum reveals supernova surprise
Astronomers have developed a new way to determine the size of a star before it went supernova, by studying its chemistry. The discovery will help scientists better und

Space station gets a new room
NASA astronauts attached a Russian docking and research module onto the International Space Station this week, bringing it to near completion. The compartment, known a

Super massive black hole given the boot
Every respectable galaxy has a super massive black hole at its centre - all except one that has now been caught in the act of ejecting its insatiable mass-muncher. To

Researchers find microbes have their limits
New Australian research has identified the extreme limits that water can support life on Earth. The study by scientists from the

Soft fossils provide new target for ET search
Scientists say if life ever existed on Mars, the evidence might be found in the vast fields of gypsum on the red planet's surface. The claim was made at a NASA confere

Herschel shows star formation is slowing
The formation of new stars in galaxies like the Milky Way has declined five-fold in the last three billion years, according to astronomers. While astronomers already k

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