Tiny moon feeds Saturn's big ring
Astronomers have discovered a new mega-ring around Saturn and believe its genesis is a small, distant moon of the ringed giant. Phoebe, a Saturnian satellite measuring

Mini sats to improve Earth observation
A constellation of miniature satellites working as a group could better monitor disasters, map the planet and help improve climate predictions, says an Australian engineer.

Viking 2 came close to finding H2O
The NASA Viking 2 probe, which landed on Mars in 1976, may have come within centimetres of finding water three decades before it was eventually found. The finding coul

Stem cells point to space ills
Stem cells exposed to microgravity express different proteins than those grown in normal gravity, say Australian researchers. The finding may explain why long-term exp

Scientists find signs of water on the Moon
Three separate missions examining the Moon have found clear evidence of water, apparently concentrated at the poles and possibly formed by the solar wind. The reports,

'Quiet' Sun continues to affect Earth
The Sun can lash the Earth with powerful winds that can disrupt communications, aviation and power lines even when it is in the quiet phase of its 11-year solar cycle, say US ...

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