Moon casts shadows on Saturn ring
Tiny moons embedded in Saturn's ring system create gravitational speed bumps that redirect the flow of particles, new findings from the Cassini spacecraft show. Taking

Jupiter could cause planetary chaos
The gravity of Jupiter could one day pull Mercury off course triggering a chain reaction of collisions in the Solar System, say experts. But despite the threat, there'

Betelgeuse mysteriously shrinking
A massive bright red star in the Orion constellation has mysteriously shrunk and astronomers have not yet determined why. Betelgeuse, considered a supergiant star, has

Stellar egg has organic-rich shell
The egg-shaped remains of a dying star has a hollow shell that is "unusually" rich in the complex organic molecules, say Australian and Vietnamese researchers. The stu

Spacecraft studies Earth from afar
A robotic probe sailing out in space to look for planets beyond the solar system has its first target in sight - Earth. The idea behind observing our home planet is to

Earth losing atmosphere faster than Mars
Our planet's magnetic shield may not be as solid a protective screen from the sun as once believed, according to new research. Christopher Russell, a professor of geop

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