Early earth cool enough for life: study
Life on earth may have sparked into existence as early as 4.4 billion years ago, hundreds of millions of years sooner than previously thought possible, according to a US study...

Astronomers find pulsar 'missing link'
A neutron star star transforming into a millisecond pulsar has been discovered in our galaxy confirming the evolutionary link between the two, says an Australian researcher.

Phases reveal glowing exoplanet
Four centuries after Galileo first observed the changing phases of Venus, astronomers have captured the phases of a planet outside our solar system. The observations,

Space trio to give sharper view of cosmos
The quest to peer ever deeper into the cosmos has gained a massive boost with the launch of two new space observatories and the refurbishment of the Hubble telescope.

Blazars shed light on black hole physics
Fast-acting astronomers have captured blazars in the act of spewing out material, providing new insights into these powerful phenomena. Blazars are found in the middle

Rogue galaxies prompt rethink on Newton
Dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way are breaking the laws of physics, prompting another modification of Newton's theory of gravitation. Astrophysicist Dr Hemut Jerje

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